Software Package Links

There are commercially available systems that are used by governing bodies and elite sports clubs. These are now also being used in HE and FE programmes to prepare students for careers in performance analysis. Most run on IBM compatible PCs with Sports Code running on the Apple Mac. Some of the packages are listed below

Sports Code

This is the most advanced match analysis system available with an excellent human computer interface allowing relatively rapid production of edited videos. The products have variety packages that the GameBreaker is a competitive version suitable for HE and FE needs.


Link to official website here.


Focus is a cost effective video analysis package now used by coaches, educators and analysts in more than 70 countries. It is available in PC, Mac and iPad versions and provides all of the necessary functionality to support video indexing and interactive video feedback. It is provided by Performance
Innovation and has been used successfully for teaching performance analysis.

Link to official website here
This product is used in both coaching, broadcasting and physical education contexts and has some exceptional graphical facilities

Link to official website here

Quintic is a biomechanics package but has a role in performance analysis for analysis of technique.

Link to official website here

SiliconCoach can be used for technical evaluation or match analysis. It allows annotating of video sequences with symbols and writing to allow critical aspects to be highlighted. It has been used successfully by performance analysis students to produce edited videos for coaching purposes.

Link to official website here



Useful links